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Apr 27, 2010
forensic psych classes
by: forpsych

If you want to be a criminal profiler, it's best if you don't even go the psychology major route. FBI profilers start out as special agents (if they make it through the academy) and if they're lucky, some of them may eventually be assigned to the NCAVC (after around 8+ years of working wherever the bureau puts them). Best majors to get into the FBI: law, accounting, foreign language, computer science.

If you want to go the forensic psychologist route, take the following psychology courses: abnormal, social, cognitive, clinical/counseling (if available), stats and research methods (because you need to go to grad school), cross-cultural. Take a few criminal justice/criminology courses as well. Then look for either a good doctoral program (PhD or PsyD) in clinical psychology w/a forensic emphasis or forensic psychology w/a clinical emphasis. Without a doctoral degree, you won't be able to practice psychology.

Apr 11, 2010
Courses to take for forensic Psychology
by: Noelle Kuharich

I dont know what school you go to, but I go to Kaplan University online. And my academic advisor knows exactly which classes I need to enroll in to get where I want to be which is where you want to be, sort of.

I am a bit undecided if I truly want to be a Criminal Profiler or Forensic Psychologist. I would expect that it depends on my chances of getting jobs as to which one I'd choose. I am deeply interested by both occupations, however I do lean more towards criminal profiling.

In any case, perhaps a phone call or trip to see your Academic Advisor, or Enroll in a decent college, whether brick and mortar or online, and then discuss it with the advisor assigned to you. That is exactly what i did and my advisor sets up my classes for 2 terms ahead so I already know which classes I'm taking Next term and in the term after that which is in September.

Good Luck in your endeavors,

Noelle Kuharich

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