by Caitlin Lamain
(Belleville, Ontario)
Hello, my name is Caitlin Lamain. I am 15 years old, and I live in Belleville, Ontario. I have wanted to be a Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI for a while now,and I have some questions.
I would first like to know what type of courses I should take for the next two years of high school. I am going to take grade 11 Law next year, but I'm not sure if there is anything else.
Next, I would like to know if my courses need to be academic. I take applied courses right now, and I do pretty good in them, but I'm told that to go to University you have to have academic courses.
Also, I was wondering what I should take in College or University.
And my last question is: How will I actually get into the FBI? Because I want to be a profiler, and I hear you don't get to choose your unit in the FBI.
Thank you, for your time and patience. Hopefully my questions aren't too much to handle!
Thanks again,
Caitlin Lamain