My name is David Webb and I've had a passionate interest in studying and teaching forensic psychology for many years.
I launched All-About-Forensic-Psychology.Com in 2006 in order to help anybody looking for comprehensive information and resources. Whatever your connection with forensic psychology - student, educator, professional or general interest - I sincerely hope that you find All-About-Forensic-Psychology.Com a useful and engaging place to visit.
In recent years the discipline of forensic psychology and related topics such as psychopathy and criminal profiling have been the subject of a whole host of books, films and television series. However, despite its continued coverage and popular profile very few people get to study the topic in depth.
One of the main reasons for putting this website together, therefore, was to the make the academic study of forensic psychology much more accessible. I say academic study because what I hope this site will also offer, is a balanced account of forensic psychology, as opposed to the distorted, sensationalized and inaccurate view that often appears in the popular media.
I sincerely hope that you find this forensic psychology resource informative and engaging.
David Webb BSc (Hons), MSc
See following links to visit the other websites built around my teaching and research interests.
The Curing Crime newsletter offers a fascinating historical and ethical perspective on the intersection of science, medicine, and criminal behavior, making it a must-read for anyone interested in forensic psychology and the psychology of crime. Click Here to subscribe for free!
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